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Share your story on why you became a "Loyal Reader" or why you love CGGB Online Store.


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“My feelings about CAN a GIRL GET a BREAK  is that it is a very interresting book, it keeps you wanting more!  It was a book me and my daughter read together and let me tell you; my daughter is not a reader but she finished this one. It kept us both interested and wanting to  know more; it gave us something to bond over , it was a good way to spend quality  time  together and it opened up discussions between us on what we think will happen to  "Quiana" (the main character) . I think this book makes people think and want more like the TWILIGHT series. So can't wait for book 2  to come out; can't wait to see what happens next!".


"Can a Girl Get a Break"Is a wonderful book for mothers and daughters to sit back and share a few laughs, cries and hugs. Its a book that allows you to relate to the characters and their situations. It's an easy read that won't overwhelm you with chapters and chapters. CGGB is a great read for EVERYONE because it is a book that can open your eyes, it can guide you and it keeps you anticipating more just like the "Harry Potter Series" which is my favorite books! I am passing CGGB along so my mom and 17 year old sister can read it! Can't wait for part 2 to see what happens with Quiana!".



"The Online Store looks GREAT! Love how easy it is to navigate through all items. The design of bracelets are beautifully put together. Hope to see in the future CGGB bubble bath and bath salts! That's how this girl can get a break!!!".


-Ingrid Blass 

I bought "Can a Girl Get a Break" 2 years ago when it first came out after reading the first page I couldn't put it down "I actually finished it in two days". While reading you feel like you can relate to one of the characters in the book. I think everyone should read Can a Girl Get a Break! I can't wait to see what happens next in part 2. I have already shopped on the Online Store; there are a lot of cute things on there. It's one of the easier online Stores to shop on (and it takes PayPal so all my info is ready to go!).



"What I love about CGGB I can definitely relate but further more it just keeps you on your toes and wanting more. The best part of most of you have said it's an easy read  and you don't find yourself wanting to put it down. It's very interesting and a great conversation starter. For those of you whom love to read and have not taken the time to read CGGB please do I promise you will find yourself wanting more and wondering what happens next! The Author of CGGB is such an amazing person and definitely had the right idea in mind when she decided to write this; not to mention she chose the perfect name as all us ladies know we can definitely use a BREAK! ".



I visited CGGB Online Store for the first time today and I love what saw; can't wait to see what else CGGB will add to their line! Keep up the great work!









Sun Shyne B is one of the most respectful authors that I have the pleasure of getting to know. After reading her kind of makes you look at things in a clearer view. I really enjoyed reading "Can A Girl Get A Break". Sun Shyne B seems to have really put a lot into this book and I am do eager to read the next book. I have also brought candles from CGGB Online Store and I really like the way they smell. Keep up the good work Sun Shyne B. One of your biggest fans...


-Mrs. Shaniece Howze xoxo

I had the pleasure of being introduced to "Can a Girl Get a Break" through the Author herself and I must say it has been a pleasure! I'm  not big on reading but this is definitely one out of the few books that I got caught up reading, not only myself but my daughter as well. I could definitely relate to this book it takes me back to some of my childhood memories can't wait to see what happens with Quiana in Can a Girl Get a Break 2. I also have had the pleasure of trying CGGB Lip Balm and scented candles; they are amazing! The lip balm is all natural, very moisturizing and smells extremely good with my skin being so sensitive the all natural ingredients is a plus. I love to burn candles and one thing I hate is for candles to just smell like it's burning and not be able to smell the scent but CGGB candles I must admit they smell very good while burning and on that note I need to order more because I'm all out!!!!! Try it I'm sure you'll love it. GREAT JOB   




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